Experience and References


Acorde Consulting is a leading company in the sector, which after many years of effective collaboration with over 300 clients, has become a reference consultant in many fields.

Reference partners of EFQM

EFQM Leading Excellence

We are one of the European consulting companies with most experience and background within the framework of EFQM. Since 2000, the Manager of Acorde Consulting (Jose Antonio Calvo) is a top category official evaluator (European award), acting as team leader since 2005. In addition to this, for several years he has been one of the few consultants homologated in Spain as a “Licensed Advisor” for EFQM and he has recently been selected as one of the 20 European professionals acknowledged as “EFQM Ambassadors” by the organisation itself.

A result of this commitment is our wide experience both in the development of management models based on EFQM, and on the participation in evaluations throughout Europe, providing training, accompanying in evaluation processes and obtaining recognitions, etc.

Key partners of Euskalit



Euskalit gestión avanzada

In our immediate surroundings, Euskalit is the reference organisation for promoting excellence and improvement in business management. Euskalit has been one of our main partners since 2004 and we have worked together on many projects; as homologated consultants both for training evaluators (for EFQM or for the Advanced Management Model), and for training in strategy, management by processes, personnel management, …, in all kinds of sectors and organisations.

Euskalit has recently developed the new “Advanced Management Model”, with Acorde being a key partner, committed to the development, knowledge and deployment of this in the organisations around them.

Key partners from other organisations promoting excellence



Agencia de Desarrollo Económico de La Rioja

Fundación Navarra para la excelencia


We are also key partners and reference consultants for other organisations in our environment, committed to the deployment of business excellence through models such as EFQM or Advanced Management or other initiatives linked to innovation and continuous improvement.

For example: ADER (Agency for the Economic Development of La Rioja) or Fundación Navarra para la Excelencia (Navarre Foundations for Excellence). CEX is the association that groups these and other similar organisations together, promoting excellence.

Cooperation with Universities




We have developed over a dozen collaborative projects within the University of the Basque Country, with different Schools and Faculties, developing strategic plans, improvements in the management model, etc… All of this, framed by the University’s own management system (AUDIT system, Unikude, etc).

We have also worked on many different MBA Executive editions, offered within the framework of the UPV/EHU (University of the Basque Country).

Mondragon Unibertsitatea

We have worked alongside Mondragon Unibertsitatea for many years in the provision of modules for varied MBAs organised for different groups.

Agencia de Calidad del Sistema Universitario Vasco

Unibasq is the Quality Agency for the Basque University System. We have worked together on different examination sessions, both on the evaluation of the centre’s quality management system for its accreditation, and on the degree and post-grad certificates.


The head offices of the UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia/National Distance Learning University) in Tudela are also, at the same time, the head offices of the Quality Chair. Acorde works closely with this chair, which has resulted in different on-line training projects (within the framework of the University Extension).

References for business associations



We regularly work with different business associations and organisations, offering courses, workshops or seminars aimed at executives from companies in all sectors.

Reference for the public sector


Kadinet-estructura de Redes de Centros de Navarra

At Acorde we have extensive experience in the management area of the public sector (see the references section). We have worked with many organisations in the public sector from different administrations on management improvement projects, strategy, etc.

Amongst other references, we have recently been selected by those in charge of the ‘Programa Aurrerabide’ for management improvement in the Public Administration (Basque Government) to develop different training actions and support for the deployment of the aforementioned programme in different Departments of the Basque Government.

We are also the reference consultant for the Department of Education of the Government of Navarre; having worked in recent years on different projects related to the development and improvement of the SGCC standard (Management System of the Quality of Centres), as well as on the support to the development of the management by processes on different centre networks or on the development of strategic planning guides.

Leaders in consulting for industrial companies


Our specialisation and areas of knowledge, along with our geographical location, have made the industrial sector into our main clients, with regard to the number of clients and projects. We work for large, multinational companies and also for locally established SMEs.

Please see the references section to discover our experience in the industrial sector.

Experts in excellence in the education sector


We have worked alongside many educational centres around us, on the development of management improvement projects, adaptation to the EFQM model or Advanced Management, strategic planning, etc. As a result of these collaborations we have become a reference company for the sector in our area.

Please see the references section to discover our experience in the education sector.

Experts in Tourism



Basque Tour

Compromiso de Calidad Turística

We are the reference company in the immediate area for the improvement in the management and implantation of specific quality systems for the tourism sector. In addition to different collaborations with companies in the sector, in different areas, we have been chosen in recent years by Basquetour to manage and develop the Tourism Quality Commitment Programme in the Basque country. We also take part as instructors and evaluators on the aforementioned programme. We have worked within the same SICTED framework on other programmes such as Anftriones – Cultura del Detalle, etc.

Recognised clients


These are just a few of the clients we have worked with and the top awards they have obtained:

  • Olabide Ikastola – European EFQM Award.
  • Colegio Urdaneta Ikastetxea – A de oro (Golden Award)
  • Tolosako Inmakulada Lanbide Ikastola – A de oro (Golden Award)
  • Euskaltel – Q de Oro (Golden Q Award)
  • Mutua Navarra – Sello de Oro (Golden Stamp Award)
  • Ikusi Electronics – A de Plata (Silver A Award)
  • IVAP – A de Plata (Silver A Award)
  • BBG – A de Plata (Silver A Award)
  • ADER – Recognised For Excellence EFQM
  • Ihobe – Q de Plata (Silver Q Award).
  • Bidela – Q de Plata (Silver Q Award).
  • etc.