KnowInn Courses 2018
Euskalit trusts again in Acorde Consulting for the teaching of three modules included in the KnowInn courses catalog. These are the courses scheduled for the first semester of 2018:
Strategic Maps and Control Panels: Concretion and deployment of strategies and objectives. March 6th and 20th, April 24th and May 22th. Official Industrial Engineer College of Gipuzkoa (San Sebastian).
Define the Model of Management of Support to Strategy: Management by processes and other models of management. April 12th and 26th, May 31th and June 21th. “Barco” building, 101 (Zamudio).
Model of Advanced Management: Case Study Evaluation. March 21th, April 18th and May 2nd and 23th. “Barco” building, 101 (Zamudio).